Annotation Type Log.SpeedController

  • @Repeatable(SpeedControllers.class)
    public static @interface Log.SpeedController
    Displays a SpeedController. The speed controller will be controllable from the dashboard when test mode is enabled, but will otherwise be view-only.
    Supported types:
    • PWMSpeedController
    • DMC60
    • Jaguar
    • PWMTalonSRX
    • PWMVictorSPX
    • SD540
    • Spark
    • Talon
    • Victor
    • VictorSP
    • SpeedControllerGroup

    Custom properties:
    NameTypeDefault ValueNotes
    OrientationString"HORIZONTAL" One of ["HORIZONTAL", "VERTICAL"]
    • Element Detail

      • name

        java.lang.String name
        The name of the value on Shuffleboard; defaults to field or method name.
      • tabName

        java.lang.String tabName
        The name of the tab in which to place this widget, if the default inferred tab/layout is not desired. Users should be careful to avoid namespace collisions if the default tab is not used. Note that Log and config annotations can be repeated to place widgets on multiple tabs.
      • methodName

        java.lang.String methodName
        Optional name of a method to call on the field (or return value of the method) to obtain the actual value that will be logged. Useful if one does not desire to make an entire object Loggable, but still wants to log a value from it.
      • orientation

        java.lang.String orientation
        The orientation of the bar. Either "HORIZONTAL" or "VERTICAL".
      • rowIndex

        int rowIndex
        The row in which this widget should be placed. WARNING: If position/size is specified for one widget in an object, it should be specified for all widgets in that object to avoid overlaps.
      • columnIndex

        int columnIndex
        The column in which this widget should be placed. WARNING: If position/size is specified for one widget in an object, it should be specified for all widgets in that object to avoid overlaps.
      • width

        int width
        The width of this widget. WARNING: If position/size is specified for one widget in an object, it should be specified for all widgets in that object to avoid overlaps.
      • height

        int height
        The height of this widget. WARNING: If position/size is specified for one widget in an object, it should be specified for all widgets in that object to avoid overlaps.